CyberSwift Technologies Pty Ltd

Call us : 1800 819 692

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153-155 Springvale Rd,
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Your Cyber Security Options!

15 Years of Experience

Your Right Partner for CyberSecurity in the Medical & Health Care Sector

In today’s electronic world, cybersecurity in healthcare and protecting information is vital for the normal functioning of organizations.

  • Appointment Booking Systems
  • e-prescribing systems
  • Bookeeping/Banking Systems
  • Medibank Bulk Billing Systems
  • Practice Management systems
  • Patient Reminder/Email Systems
  • Specialist Referral Systems
  • Patient Procedures List

Many healthcare organisations have various types of specialised hospital information systems such as EHR systems, e-prescribing systems, practice management support systems, clinical decision support systems, radiology information systems and computerised physician order entry systems.

Our Services

We Provide a Wide Variety of IT Services

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks.
CyberSwift delivers a comprehensive suite of Security Service Offerings including: Managed Threat Detection & Response Vulnerability Management.

IT Consulting Services

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Cloud Computing

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IT Infrastructure services

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Infrastructure & IT Assets

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Our Services

Introducing Our Cyber Security & IT Services

The most important critera is your patient's health and the data recorded about their medical care.

Let's protect your data!

Your Medical Data- Our Unique Vault Protection

Cyber Security & Protection!

Numbers Are Talking

Let’s Check Out Some Cyber Threat Statistics and Trends

In the USA the healthcare sector saw a whopping 41.4 million patient records breached in 2020. In 2022 in Australia Nearly 10 million Australians have had their private health data hacked – with sensitive medical records detailing private information and treatments.

The finance industry is the most targeted by attacks worldwide followed in second place by the healthcare sector.

Daily 164+

Businesses Impacted by cybercrime in Australian.

Every 10

Mins.-1 Australian business is attacked by cyber criminals


Hospitals & Allied Health businesses hacked-last 2 years

Don't Let

Your Medical Practice become one of these statistics

Call Us 24/7

tel:1800 000 000

Call us to discuss You Cybersecurity Needs and best practices to protect critical systems and sensitive information from an ever-growing volume of continually evolving threats.

Contact Us
Our Working Process

This is how we go about cyber security for your business.

Step 1-Discovery Audit & Planning

identifying related systems and assets, regulatory requirements and the overall risk approach. Then identify vulnerabilities of, and threats to, current systems.
A cyber security audit will also cover an organisation's threat environment, cyber security initiatives and in infrastructure upgrades needed.


Step 2-Execute plan & Protect

After determining which steps need to be taken to address the gaps discussed above, the organisation should determine which actions to take and carry out said actions to address the gaps, if any. Cybersecurity practices should then be adjusted to achieve the target strategy.


Step 3-Detect & Respond

threats that cause damage or pose danger need to be detected in depth as well. When threats or attacks are detected, an appropriate effective response is required.
Taking action immediately will empower you to better contain or reduce the impact of a cyber attack.


Step 4-Recovery/
Resume Business

Recovery efforts may include, restoring information systems using alternate methods, performing standard operating procedures in alternate ways, recovering information systems in backup locations, and implementing contingency controls based on the business impact of the incident..

Technology Index

These are some of the mediums and brands we use for cyber security







Our Typical Clients

This is where we protect Patient Medical Data

Latest News

Let’s Check Out Our Latest Blogs

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How to avoid a cyber security breach.

Cybercrime data breaches caused by phishing attacks and ransomware attacks are becoming so frequent that it takes something shocking to surprise us anymore The hacks range in size and scope, but it’s no secret that firms hit by hackers often suffer serious consequences

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Get advanced cyber attack warnings

Cyber attacks can be highly sophisticated and difficult to detect. How do you know if your company is the victim of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)?, especially considering that cybercriminals go to such lengths to remain untraceable? A combination of warning signs can potentially alert you to an APT

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Dont let your Patient data walk out the door

Here are five ways hackers can access your systems, view your files, and steal your data if you’re not careful.
1. Malware
2. Compromised Passwords
3. Unsecured Internet Connections
4. Ransomware
5. Phishing and Social Engineering

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